Thursday, November 24, 2011

A Very German Thanksgiving

So this Thanksgiving was a little different than normal. First of all I didn't over eat. Second there was no Turkey involved. And third it wasn't in the U.S. This morning I had History, only problem is that on Thursdays I get to sleep in (this is changing as of next week) a little and this morning I slept way to late. During my oversleeping I had a nice dream and there was definitely some German in it. So I in fact did not have History this morning. Opps. My next class wasn't until 2:30 so I was privileged with spending my morning reading and writing (and listening to 80's music). Once I arrived at school for my class I found out the teacher was sick, which meant as an exchange student I would have nothing to do because I don't speak enough German to successfully complete the tasks we were given. I also was informed that Sports was once again cancelled. So I came to school and did nothing. Not bad for Thanksgiving considering it's not a holiday on the fourth Thursday of November in Germany. After school I went to Laura's and we listened to music from past years deciding it was by far better than anything that is coming out these days. And she straightened my hair. It's getting really, really long. She said I could be a mermaid. Then I biked home in the cold and found a lovely Thanksgiving meal waiting for me.

Lamb with Potatoes, Carrots, Corn and Peas
While we were eating I was asked what else we did besides eat on Thanksgiving. I was momentarily stymied until I said cook. And play cards. The asked how long it took to clean up and I said not long because most dishes go in the .... Spülmaschine. That would be dishwasher in German because I couldn't remember the English and almost said wash machine instead. I'm glad that there is some evidence that I am learning and using German.

All in all it was a wonderful Thanksgiving.

What I'm Thankful For:
- My parents (Todd and Karry Fischer)for supporting me in all of my mad adventures and taking care of me for 18 years.
-My sister (Ida Fischer) for being there when I need it and for putting up with me for 18 years.
-My grandmother (Manna) for spoiling me endlessly, even when I don't deserve it.
-My aunt (Kelly) for editing my first novel and my school essays (I'll miss that in college).
-My Host Family for being great and taking amazing care of me.
-My friends both in Germany and everywhere else, you guys keep me sane.
-All of the wonderful women who have shared their love of horses with me (Cindy,Gabrielle, Wanda).
-My fellow writers for sharing ideas and offering constructive criticism (Emily and Gabrielle)
-My fellow exchange students in Brandenburg (Noora, Laura, Dani and Tae-yeon ).
-Boise water, there's nothing else quite like it in the world.
-My houses (in the U.S. & Germany) for providing me shelter from the elements.
-Good food, the world holds many delicious cuisines.
-NaNoWriMo 2010 for allowing me to actually write and finish a novel after years of trying.
-JMO for allowing me to grow as a horseback rider and for being my Happy Place - where all troubles fall away.
-What Laura says sometimes - it puts a smile on my face when nothing else will.
-My imagination/My Muse

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